$USD Personal Consumption Expenditures - April 2024 - Score: 3 (Neutral)

disposable personal income inflation pce price index personal consumption expenditures personal income Jun 03, 2024


$USD Personal Income and Outlays Report - April 2024 - Score: 3 (Neutral)

About the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) is a U.S. government agency responsible for providing important economic data. They help us understand how the economy is performing by reporting on things like GDP, personal income, and corporate profits. This information is used by policymakers, businesses, and researchers to make informed decisions.

Summary of the Personal Income and Outlays Report for April 2024

The BEA's April 2024 report gives us a snapshot of the economic health of the country, focusing on how much people are earning and spending, and how prices are changing.

Key Messages:

  • Personal Income: Increased by $65.3 billion (0.3%) in April.
    • Example: If you earned $1,000 last month, you earned $1,003 this month.
    • Impact on Monetary Policy: This increase suggests moderate economic growth, which might lead policymakers to maintain current interest rates to support growth.
  • Disposable Personal Income (DPI): Increased by $40.2 billion (0.2%).
    • Example: If you had $1,000 after taxes last month, you have $1,002 this month.
    • Impact on Monetary Policy: Higher DPI indicates more spending capacity, influencing the Federal Reserve to monitor inflation.
  • Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE): Increased by $39.1 billion (0.2%).
    • Example: If you spent $1,000 last month, you spent $1,002 this month.
    • Impact on Monetary Policy: Increased spending suggests strong consumer demand, potentially prompting the Fed to consider interest rate adjustments to manage inflation.
  • PCE Price Index: Increased by 0.3%, indicating rising prices.
    • Example: If an item cost $100 last month, it costs $100.30 this month.
    • Impact on Monetary Policy: Rising prices may push the Federal Reserve to adopt a more hawkish stance to control inflation.

Hawkish/Dovish Score: 3 (Neutral)

Reasons for the Score:

  • The report shows moderate economic activity with rising income and spending but does not suggest immediate policy changes.
  • Balanced view on inflation with a slight increase in the PCE price index, suggesting a steady economic outlook.

How the Score Could Be Higher or Lower:

  • Higher (More Hawkish): Emphasizing significant concerns over rising inflation and the need for tighter monetary policy.
  • Lower (More Dovish): Downplaying inflation concerns and focusing on sustaining economic growth with minimal policy changes.


  • Personal Income: Income received by individuals from all sources before taxes.
  • Disposable Personal Income (DPI): Personal income less personal current taxes, available for spending or saving.
  • Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE): The value of goods and services purchased by individuals.
  • Hawkish/Dovish: Terms describing a central bank's stance on inflation and interest rates. "Hawkish" focuses on controlling inflation through higher rates; "dovish" prioritizes economic growth and employment through lower rates.

For more details, access the full report here.


Personal Income, Disposable Personal Income, Personal Consumption Expenditures, PCE Price Index, Inflation, U.S. Economy

Related Chart:

Personal Income and Outlays, April 2024


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